World Doctor's Day
Health and Beauty

National Doctor’s Day


In many countries in the world, Doctors Day is celebrated on different days in different months with different reasons. Doctors Day is being celebrated in India since July 1991.

Doctor’s Day History

The reason for celebrating this day in India is that it is the B.C. Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy, also known as Roy. He is India’s proudest medical uncle. Born on July 1, 1882 in Patanjore, near Patna, Bihar. National Doctors Day is celebrated today as his birthday and commemoration.

Importance of Doctor’s role in Corona Situation

There are obligations we need to do today to thank the surviving physicians. Especially since the beginning of this year, the devastating impact of the corona has left people in irreversible distress. It is impossible to forget or deny that the treating doctors have taken their lives beyond the reach of the people.

Already, the intensity of the corona is getting less and more aggressive, causing doctors to stay in the hospital without even going to their homes. If you are unable to sleep at night and daytime without getting enough time, you are still running out of time.

All we have to do today is to commend and appreciate the service of doctors. Doctors have taught us how to protect ourselves against coronary infections. They continue to advice today. The greatest service we can do to them is to protect ourselves with proper protection without neglecting it.

In this time of coronary panic, people are often at home safely and out of necessity, but adhering to appropriate safety procedures is certainly the same as serving doctors. In addition, they can ease their workload by approaching your doctor without fear of symptoms. It is in this context that doctors in this day care about their safety. It is only the government and the people’s cooperation that can make this year’s main goal of National Doctors Day.

Thanks To Doctor’s

Rather than congratulate the doctors on this National Doctors Day, we must act in accordance with their advice, to serve their lives and to feel safe.

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