Do not rush to use the credit card as soon as you get it. First you need to read and understand all the terms and conditions. The new Rs.2000 and Rs.500 notes were introduced after it was declared that the old 500 and 1000 rupee notes were not valid in our country.
It can be said that note less money transactions through credit card and debit card have increased in the country after this event. So you need to focus on using a credit card. Credit card is a must have, for any Affiliate, promoting any program. Know that and choose that company.
Check Terms and Conditions
Do not rush to use the credit card as soon as you get it. First you need to read and understand all the terms and conditions. If in doubt, ask your company. Without inquiring and knowing thus I cannot tell them that I do not know of the existence of such a rule if something is later imposed on the higher stage. They will refuse to accept it. Then your money will be wasted.
The due amount of the bills should be paid within the stipulated time. Otherwise they will impose not only extra interest but also a penalty. It may be difficult for you to pay the entire bill if it is too high. In such cases you can talk to the company and ask for permission to build in installments. They will only charge a small amount of interest on it.
If you have a habit of looking at the monthly bill for credit cards and putting it in the trash, stop it immediately. Keep those bills in a separate file. Because only then can you know if the account is correct. You can destroy them after a certain period of time. A credit card will benefit you if you remember various features like this. Some people buy and keep 3, 4 credit cards just because they are cheap. Thus that’s the problem for them. So be careful with the credit card case.