Home Tips

Is the Only Cockroach Problem in the House?


Using large amounts of chemicals at home is also not good for the elderly, children and the sick. This also costs more money. So, it is enough to use simple home remedies to get rid of cockroaches.

How to remove the cockroach from home?

There is no need to spend a lot of money to buy pesticides and spray them or call people to apply insecticides if there is an increase in cockroach infestation in the house. Such high use of chemicals at home is not good for the elderly, children, and patients. This also costs more money. So, it is enough to use simple home remedies to get rid of cockroaches.

Here the tips

Use baking soda:

Baking soda is great for getting rid of cockroaches. Mix baking soda well in a glass of water and add some sugar to it. Spray this mixture on places where cockroaches are frequent.


Use jackfruit leaf powder:

Jackfruit leaf powder can also be used to repel cockroaches. Grind the leaves finely for this. After this sprinkle this powder little by little in every corner of the house.


Spray peppermint oil:

Peppermint oil can also be used to repel cockroaches. For this, mix half a glass of peppermint oil in a glass of water. Then add some salt to it and fill it in a spray bottle and spray it at home.


Use Cloves:

Cloves can be used to repel cockroaches in the house. For this, grind 12-15 cloves and place them where cockroaches are present. Cloves can also be boiled in water and sprinkled.



Cockroaches do not like the smell of lemon, so sprinkle lemon juice on the places where the cockroaches come from or just cut a lemon into two pieces.



The clove of garlic will not let cockroaches stay even for a second. So, crush the garlic and sprinkle it on the cockroach infestation. Otherwise, you can grind garlic and mix it with water and spray it.


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