women @40s
Health and Beauty

You Should Follow This Diet If You’re A Woman Approaching 40!

Introduction In general, we can maintain our health only if we eat food that is suitable for our age. It is only when we fail to do so that we become susceptible to many diseases. Especially as women age, various changes take place in their bodies. Women @40’s Women who have reached the age of 40 years’ …


Do You Desire a Reconciliation With Your Former Spouse Or Partner?

Introduction Whether it is a romantic relationship or a marital relationship, if the relationship is to last for a long time, those involved in the relationship must put in a lot of effort. They should be patient. Many times, problems arise in love relationships and rifts occur between lovers. However, there are many ways to rekindle …


Happy Mother’s Day 2023 – Best Ways To Strengthen Your Relationship With Mom!

Introduction Mother is special. No matter how many fights you have, you can never stop talking to your mother. Mother’s Day is a special day to celebrate our mother who works 24 hours a day for the family. This is the best time to fix it if you are having a fight with your mother at work or …


What Age Should Children Be Given Smartphones?

Introduction Raising children is not an easy task. It requires a lot of patience and responsibility. The biggest concern of all parents today is their children’s cell phone usage. In today’s technological age, almost all children are mobile phone addicts. As the technology around us continues to advance, setting healthy boundaries around the use of digital devices has …


Reasons for Women Seeking Divorce.

Introduction There are many reasons why a woman decides to divorce her husband. Deciding to divorce is not easy for any spouse.Harassment of a partner mentally and physically, harming their reputation in public, etc. are considered acts of cruelty. Likewise, no one has the right to insult their partner’s character in public. It has become a common practice …

Health and Beauty

Women Can Spot Warning Signs Before they Blossom! How Should I Get Ready for the First Period?

Introduction Flowering is one of the most important events in a woman’s life. It is a time when women face many physical changes. Hereyou can see the details including symptoms of first period, what it looks like during the days of menstruation, how long the first period lasts, and maintenance. When can you expect your …


Promise Day 2023: Give Your Girlfriend these Promises to Boost Your Confidence!

Introduction As February 14 Valentine’s Day approaches, each day focuses on a different theme. For example, Chocolate Day, Teddy Day, Kiss Day, and Hug Day are celebrated for a whole week. In that way, a special day is also observed for lovers to share their promises with each other. February 14 Valentine’s Day The main promise that …

Mosquito-free home
Home Tips

Simple Tricks Are Enough To Keep Mosquitoes Out Of Your Home!

Introduction When we live in a tropical country like India, having a mosquito-free home is an unfulfilled dream. Most of us rely on mosquito repellent sprays or mosquito repellents or liquids to get rid of mosquitoes indoors. But most of these are full of chemicals and besides creating difficulty in breathing are harmful to the people in …


Shocking Statistics About Women’s Abuse!

Introduction Even though laws protecting women have been tightened, violence and sexual assaults against them have not decreased. The same situation prevails all over the world. The United Nations General Assembly (UN) has released shocking statistics on violence against women. Violence against women Atrocities against women also occur in a world where women are said to be …