Coronavirus infection prevention is just as important as maintaining mental well being during times of infection. This is because isolation is necessary to keep the infection free. Isolated people are more likely to become depressed because they are out of touch with others. Depression can occur when you think about the uncertainty of the future. When there …
Indian Mom on Digital World
It can be said that the Corona curfew has taught many people many things. It has taught not only the importance of health but also what can be done to sustain the economy at home. Living conditions are becoming widespread, especially in the digital world. How this digital transformation is going to govern us in the future …
Pregnancy Stress
Generally health is not enough for a pregnant woman to feel comfortable; the main advice that doctors recommend is to improve mental health. Because cheerful moods stimulate many hormones secreted by women and promote healthy pregnancy; Strain the pelvic floor muscles during childbirth and make childbirth easier; Physical movements, including breastfeeding and uterine resuscitation after …
Benefits of Normal Delivery
Women will get with the news of pregnancy, she must be very excited to her pregnancy. She meet the baby of her dreams, with the excitement comes nervous thoughts about her delivery process as well. When will pregnancy starts women’s must have multiple doubts and question. Many of the women’s want to choose a Normal delivery, …
Pregnancy may seem easy and natural thing but it may be a dream of few woman. Most of the Couples are thought it would be happen in its normal way just like others. But it didn’t. They will start seeing doctor and did a number of test to find an issue. All test result were …
We are traveling to 21st century still we have question about menstruation. Every women have handling huge problem of that. They still did not aware of that, how can handle. What is Menstruation? In simple words, ‘menstruation is a natural part of the reproductive cycle in which blood from the uterus exits through the vagina’. …