women @40s

You Should Follow This Diet If You’re A Woman Approaching 40!

Introduction In general, we can maintain our health only if we eat food that is suitable for our age. It is only when we fail to do so that we become susceptible to many diseases. Especially as women age, various changes take place in their bodies. Women @40’s Women who have reached the age of 40 years’ …


Women Can Spot Warning Signs Before they Blossom! How Should I Get Ready for the First Period?

Introduction Flowering is one of the most important events in a woman’s life. It is a time when women face many physical changes. Hereyou can see the details including symptoms of first period, what it looks like during the days of menstruation, how long the first period lasts, and maintenance. When can you expect your …


6 Nutritional Deficiencies Women Suffer More!

Introduction Relatively few nutritional deficiencies can affect women more than men. From fatigue, dizziness, tingling in the fingers, muscle weakness and bone pain, many disorders can be caused by nutritional deficiencies. The problem of under nutrition is still a concern in developing countries like India. Because if nutritional deficiencies are not identified and appropriate measures are taken, …


If You Want to Lose Weight, Avoid These 10 Habits in the Morning!

Introduction Only a healthy diet and adequate exercise will keep our body fit and healthy. We all know that it will make our way of life better. But that alone is not enough. Even some of the habits we follow in the morning can lead to even more weight loss. Sleep Adequate sleep is very important for a …