We also buy some medicines and rat traps. But this rat is the only one who will give us a tag and run away. I know you even saw the Monster movie. Eating your food, bags, electronics cables will bite without letting anything like this. Not only this, with the help of fire you can do welding. And doctors warn that rats can spread a lot of diseases to humans. Thus, humans are prone to death, fever, vomiting and nausea.
Beware of twigs in the house where children are. Their sporting goods may contain bacteria that can be transmitted through the mouth of rats. And elk bites become poisonous to a lot of people. So it is important to get rid of rats right away. But if the house is for children, we will think of keeping poison type drugs. If the rat trap does not bite the rats so quickly. So it is better to choose the natural way for this. Rats are inflamed if you look at some natural products. So you can easily chase away the rats by keeping those items.
Diseases transmitted by rats
Leptospirosis (rat fever) is transmitted to humans through the urine of rats. This germ enters the human body and leads to death. Many germs, such as hepatitis E and plague, are transmitted to humans through mice. Let the rat itself be in a corner of it. They will tell you that if we don’t bother with it will do us no good. But that is not true. The rat is a very dangerous animal despite its small size to look at. The shedding hair of rats can also produce very serious diseases; can be a source of a deadly disease such as asthma.
Putting food items around at home will attract mice. It makes it easier to get food. During the rainy season, sewage stagnates and sewage enters the house easily through pipes. In winter the rats need warmth, thus making the rats more likely to come towards the house. Keeping the house quiet is also said to be the main reason.
Some natural ways to repel rats
Mint oil
Mice do not like the aroma of mint. So soak a small punch of mint oil in the place where the rat comes and put it there. Put it on accelerators especially in the corner of the house. Keep doing this for a couple of days. The rat will run away without catching this smell. Your home will be fragrant.
If we want to catch a mouse, we must first give it our favorite food, so sprinkle potato flour powder on the corner accelerators of the house. Rats also like to eat. Then its stomach swells and dies.
Onions always have a lingering aroma. So if you put this in the place where the rat comes, it will not smell long and will run away. Replace fresh onions on the second day as the onions will rot quickly at the same time.
Blaster of Paris and cocoa powder
Mix Paris and cocoa powder in a place where rats often roam, this can cause the rat to become thirsty and die after drinking the water. This can easily destroy the mouse.
Pepper powder
This is a cost-effective method. You can chase away rats with kitchen stuff. So where the rats come from, even if you sprinkle pepper powder on the corner accelerators, this long smell will not come back to this page.
Garlic cloves
Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. The rat will run away not liking the smell of the pound. Clove or clove oil rats also do not like the smell of cloves. So pour the clove oil on a cloth in the pot where the rat comes from. The rat will run away.
Ammonia is a substance that can give a rotten egg rot. These rot mice do not like it at all. So put ammonia powder in a bowl where the rat is. This makes it easier to repel rats.
Biryani leaf
The long smell of biryani leaf is liked by rats. But the rats will die shortly after eating it. So you can put biryani leaf 2 in the places where the rat comes.
Naphthalene balls
Naphthalene balls are one of the best repellents in the home. This is best if you have two or more rats in the house. So you can put these naphthalene balls where the rat is. Since it is poisonous, keep it out of the reach of children.
Ways to prevent
- The viscous viscosity and odor of the lamp oil can be irritating to rats. So if you see this it will start to run. So pour a few drops of kerosene on the spot where the rat is coming from. It will not come later.
- Do not leave any food items outside. Clean the rats’ remains immediately. Otherwise it may attract other insects.
- Rats like dark, dim, littered places. So keep the house clean and ventilated at all times.
- Seal and seal sewer pipes if they are open. Otherwise the rat is likely to come in through the pipe and the web can be sealed to the windows of the house.
- Rats are free from mosquitoes. Plant a mint plant inside and outside the house as the mint smell will repel rats. Coat control services can be sought if rat infestation is high.