time pass


Withered like flower Though I dreamed, dare, fight and win Yes! I am woman. Road opened to me. Two wheels rolling underneath. This is my freedom. Two dreamed eyes Full of determination Yes! She’ll be win all fights. Watch dreams to make true Keep trying to live a dreaming life.  You’ll get aim for life. …

weight loss

Cinnamon with honey drink for Weight Loss

Obesity is a worldwide problem. due to modern lifestyle, we avoid proper excersie and healthy diet.He/she work nature also sitting in front of computer for long hours contiuolsy and childeren playing games in android and ipod. But when our food calories amounts exceed the body need, they will be stored in the body as fat. this …



We are traveling to 21st century still we have question about menstruation. Every women have handling huge problem of that. They still did not aware of that, how can handle. What is Menstruation? In simple words, ‘menstruation is a natural part of the reproductive cycle in which blood from the uterus exits through the vagina’. …

hair fall

Shallot Castor Oil Pack for Hair fall

Hair fall is one of the most common problem for everyone even for women and children. More than 40% women suffer from alopecia areata. Some of common reason for hair fall, Hormonal changes (like pregnancy,menopause, etc) Thyroid Alopecia areata Scalp infections Depression Heart problems Arthritis High blood pressure Here homemade remedy to stop hair fall. …