Introduction Children are the first to be affected by various diseases that come during the rainy season. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the children at all times. Once the rainy season begins, the common cold, fever and dengue fever, as well as infections, begin to appear. The most favorable conditions for the spread …
What Bad Habits do Children Have, and How Can They Avoid It?
Introduction Children are all people with great qualities and good habits. If moms find out early on the mistakes they make unknowingly it can be easily corrected. So let’s look at the common mistakes children make. The role of parents in the upbringing of children is essential. Symptoms of depression, boredom, frustration, and tiredness in children can prolong …
Does the Child have a tendency to eat? What can Mother do to their appetite?
Introduction The first step is to find out why the child likes to eat or refuses to eat. The greatest concern for mothers who have children in general is that the baby should eat well. No child will eat equally fully as it deserves. You have to handle some things maturely for that to see what they …
What is the Right Age for Women to get Married?
Introduction Marriage is a mixture of two minds. Deciding together two families. Who, who to marry? When to get married? Where to get married? That is, it is still a practice in society today to decide who is going to get married and their families. In that sense, marriage is a personal freedom. The current marriage age is 21 …
Can Children Eat Biscuits and Chocolate
Introduction We have heard parents say that children do not eat properly and then the parents who say that they will love this biscuit and chocolate will know what problems the children will get if they eat the biscuit and chocolate. Once the baby knows the taste it first wants the sweet taste. So do not get …
How Mobile Game Destroy the Future of Children?
Introduction Many boys and girls who are paralyzed at home by the corona crisis are engaging in ‘mobile phone games’. Most parents are now happy to think about it. Parents who sigh with relief at the thought that ‘children are playing quietly without fuss’ can only realize the tragedy of that game when the school opens and …
Problems in Online Education
Introduction Corona has affected the education of millions of students. According to a UNESCO report, the education of 150 billion people worldwide has been affected. It is noteworthy that 30 Crore of them are from India. They want to learn a new education online in some way, rather than just sitting at home and having fun. When you …
Smartphones Apps Which Teach Children
Download such useful applications for children studying online on smartphones. Increase their academic knowledge as well as general knowledge. Dr. Panda’s Ice Cream Truck Are there children that don’t like ice cream? That’s why ‘Make Yourself Ice Cream in Your Favorite Flavors’ says ‘Dr. Panda’ Apps. Dr. Panda, a trolley ice cream vendor. With the ingredients he has, you can …
Advantages and Disadvantages of Putting Children to Sleep in an AC Room
Introduction Everyone is starting to trust the AC to escape the intense heat and sweat. But the important thing is that today’s parents have begun to put even newborn babies to sleep in the AC room. Can you do that? Learn more about the pros and cons of having a baby on AC. Usually when …
Why Children Should Live With GrandParents?
Introduction Grandparents play an important role in making childhood interesting. Kids who spend time with them will always be happy. The doubts and thoughts that come to their minds will be reluctantly shared with grandparents. They give due value and respect to the grandparents who are the lives that understand their feelings. It is committed to their social …