Health and Beauty

Today is International Yoga Day: Yoga for a Healthy Life!


International Yoga Day is celebrated on June 21 every year. In that sense, since today is International Yoga Day. The art of yoga appeared in our country thousands of years ago.

Sage Patanjali was the one who gave the writing form about 5,000 years ago, set up the Yoga Sutras, revived it and made it level. That is why we call him the father of the art of yoga and the yoga art he gave us is called Patanjali Yoga.

Benefits of yoga

Those who work hard, those who work on the computer will get peace of mind if they do yoga every day. The art of yoga is an excellent drain for those who suffer from depression at work.

Doing yoga daily can help prevent heart disease. For yoga practitioners, the blood flow is normalized and the heart is strengthened and prolongs life.

Our body gets a nice beautiful shape as we do yoga by bending our body at many angles while doing yoga. The body gets a beautiful shape by dissolving the unwanted flesh called fats which are present in many parts of the body.

Yoga in general boosts the immune system. The function of the endocrine glands is normalized. Increase memory. There are many more benefits to the body.

Yoga will remove stress

Doing yoga every morning improves our thinking ability. And our mind calms down by removing tensions. Many people lack peace of mind and happiness due to overwork and other reasons. So doing yoga daily removes all our stress and mental disorders.

When we do yoga we give more movement to the body as we bend and twist the body. Thus our blood flow slows down. This slows down the flow of blood and prevents the formation of gas disorders in the body and removes toxins that have accumulated in the blood.

Nervous system gains strength for those who do yoga daily. This will increase the efficiency of our brain. Studies show that people who do yoga on a daily basis are less likely to develop brain-related injuries.

Types of yoga and benefits

Yoga, which cleanses the body of all types of germs, not just corona infections, and enhances vitality through meditation.

Many people nowadays suffer from bloating or bloating due to overeating and high fat diets. You can easily reduce the tension by doing yogasanas like Naukasana, Ustrasana, etc.

Yoga is good for those who sit in one place and work, and who engage in activities that put a little pressure on the body. This allows the blood flow to be smooth without causing muscle relaxation. Thus the art of yoga acts as the best pain reliever to relieve pain in the body.

Here has made it clear what kind of benefits yoga offers. Read it and try to practice yoga every day.



It helps you from causes the lungs to dilate well and breathe more and strengthens the muscles of the chest, thighs and heels.



It calms the mind and makes breathing smooth and effortless. This is the optimal training for corona patients.

Bhramari Pranayama

This has some other benefits besides regulating breathing. The mark is the revelation of the hidden power in our body. This will remove the dry cough and corrects water problems, colds and asthma.


Body receives the required energy from the pancreas and expels the unwanted waste by doing kriya. There is a nasal cleansing method in the aqueduct and this will get rid of mucus. The corona virus can prevent the germ from getting inside the nose.



This asana gives comfort to the mind. Doing this asana will reduce anxiety and stress and also reduce depression. Also this asana adjusts the body posture and stretches the chest and spine.



This boat-like position is one of the easiest asanas. This asana stretches the abdominal muscles and it improves digestion, helps to reduce belly fat and reduce bloating. Overall it is good for improving the performance of the abdominal muscles.



It stretches the whole body. In addition it helps to lose weight and improves digestion and blood flow. Also it is useful in keeping the back area flexible.



It makes the body flexible and reduces unwanted fat accumulated in the stomach. In addition this asana helps in regulating digestive acids and improving digestion.



This is an excellent asana for those who want to increase their ability to concentrate, overcome depression and increase mental and physical balance. This asana stretches the muscles of the arms, wrists and forearms. The posture of this asana makes the body and mind feel light. Doing this asana is difficult and requires a lot of practice.



This asana makes the spine flexible. The curved structure of this asana massages the deep back muscles, spine and nerves. This asana is very good for those who have back pain under. It also eliminates menstrual problems and relieves stress.



It aims to keep the spinal system young by opening the spinal discs while stretching the spinal muscle. Also this asana releases tension in the shoulders, arms and spine. This asana is the best asana for those who are obese. By rejuvenating the internal organs, it cures indigestion, constipation and neck stiffness.



It means “all parts”. This asana covers all parts of the body and rejuvenates. It mainly involves the thyroid gland and stimulates the body’s metabolism, protein synthesis and blood flow. This asana strengthens the muscles and reduces the risk of kidney and bone diseases. In addition, this asana aims to reduce insomnia, depression and stress.



The so-called ‘King of Asanas’ is one of the most difficult asanas. But it has significant advantages. In it improves blood circulation, strengthens the respiratory system, and improves concentration and memory. Also this asana brain involves the spine and overall nervous system and stimulates the pituitary and pineal glands. Overall this inverted position helps to reduce constipation and eliminates nervous disorders and tension.



This is one of the basic asanas that expands the waist. This asana helps to relax the muscles of the body while stretching the hips, arms, thighs and back.

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