Introduction Home is our security, our rest, our comfort, our happiness. But the one who can provide all this is the head of the house. Only a woman can make a house tidy and beautiful. In the civilized world we hear women getting bored of having time to look after the house in an environment where both men and women have …
World Cancer Day 2021 – Breast Cancer Most Common in India!
Introduction According to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), the situation is reversed in our country, although men are the most affected by cancer in countries around the world. Yes … it has been revealed that women are the most affected by cancer in India and breast cancer is the most affected by them. It …
Tips to Remove Oil Stains on Clothes!
Introduction Oil stains on clothes are difficult to remove. If it is not removed it may appear bright and clear. Children to adults can get oil stains on clothes. If left unmanaged, they can be left astray and lose the right path. And it can darken and sometimes permanently spoil the beauty of the clothes. …
Best and Worst Diets to Follow in 2021!
Introduction U.S. News and World Report are currently releasing their 2021 list of the best food items. It is developed annually by a panel of experts who evaluate modern and popular diets in terms of safety. It is very easy to do this while saying more about this diet. The list of the best foods of 2021 should …
Face Wash Powder With Three Ingredients to Make Your Face Glow!
Introduction We have products that help to brighten the face without any face care. Many people think that they can maintain their beauty only if they look at everything like face cleansing, toning, moisturizer and face pack. But with natural ingredients it can all be done in one go. That too can be said to be naturally …
Do You Know Why Children are Forced to Wear Face Shields?
Introduction All over the world, the deadly corona virus infection continues to plague the world. More than 2 Crore 32 lakh people have been affected by the infection. More than 8 lakh 4 thousand people have died due to the infection. Yet the starvation in the corona is not solved. At the same time, there is no vaccine …
Is the Whole House Infested With Mosquitoes? Let See Solution!
Introduction There are so many products on the market to repel and control mosquitoes. Mosquito repellent, mosquito repellent paper, mosquito repellent, mosquito repellent machine, mosquito repellent electric bat, body lotion ointment, and many other devices. But the devices that use it like this are the ones that cause health damage to those of us who breathe …
Top 5 Nutrients for Women! Every woman knows!
Introduction The times when women maintained the house have changed. They are always busy with housekeeping and office work. Although this is a happy thing they forget about their physical health. Women need more nutrients than men. During the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, childbirth and menopause, the body begins to weaken. Women are more vulnerable when there is a lack …
Open Your Heart and Speak – Let Go Of Stress!
Introduction Depression is on the rise worldwide; Happiness has diminished. That is why the World Health Organization (WHO) has come up with the slogan, ‘Come and talk openly from heart and let go of stress.’ Depression is just like any other illness which just needs full support from the family. It is very easy to recover …
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace – Women Reluctant to Complain!
Introduction There are just a few perverted people in every office. People can narrow you down with his gaze or bad words when that person comes and stands near you. Think different because Pepper Spray can’t help to attack on the office mate.Some have expressed fears that action will be taken if the higher official makes a …